Noah Mangwarara

Positively Impacting Humanity

from crawling to Soaring noah mangwarara author books 2

From crawling to soaring

From crawling to soaring

Every individual wishes to lead a successful and fulfilling life. It is a great surprise that most people pass through life purposelessly without achieving significantly in all their pursuits. There is absolute worthlessness and emptiness in our world today that requires instant therapy.


One of the reasons why worthwhile things are never attained springs from numerous people who fancy fast tracking their way to higher levels. This is done without attaining adequate lessons that sustain them after gracing the elevated echelons of life. The end is a shipwreck of one’s purpose and life. The common “get rich quick schemes” are disastrous in the long run.


From crawling to soaring is a book that tracks the development of a butterfly through the different life cycle phases. Important life lessons are garnered at each stage; which, if devoutly adopted and put into practice, stand to see many achieving greatness in their individual lives. You are no exception to this reality. The potential you possess require nurturing to enable you to get to places never anticipated before.


If you observe a butterfly in its cocoon stage of development, it’s difficult to imagine that one day it will ascend to the highest altitudes. Through patience and consenting to nature’s full course, the butterfly emerges with wings; ready to take to the skies. The potential that you have can also ascend the uppermost places. The world stands to be amazed at your phenomenal accomplishments.


Everything shared in the book is based on the precept that; “A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step and can only be taken one step at a time.” The requisite steps should be taken by no one else other than you. Do not wait for someone to come from afar to aid you in your development. Reminiscent of the butterfly; be patient as you pass through the different stages of your development. Do not hurry things out but ascertain that there is unremitting progress en route to the higher ideals.


Life taken as a whole, there are many examples that illustrate the sequential stages of growth and development. Success is no exception to this cardinal rule. Success doesn’t come upon an individual overnight but it is a process that fully manifests itself when the individual is seen gracing the top levels in their family, company, industry, nation and world at large. A child learns to turn over, to sit up, crawl, walk and run. Each step is eminent and each one of the stages takes time. No step should be left out.


This is true in life, in all areas of development, be it learning to play the piano or communicating effectively with a working colleague. It is true with individuals, with marriages, with families, with organizations and with nations.


We know and accept this principle of development in the area of living organisms; but to understand it in human circles, career circles, monetary circles, political circles or success spheres is less common and more difficult to comprehend. We however cannot run away from these hard facts of life.


Consequently, we sometimes look for a shortcut, expecting to be able to skip some of these vital steps in order to save time and effort and still reap the desired result. Unfortunately, this never stands out to be the case since there are no short cuts to places worth going.


A butterfly that skips the cocoon stage will never fly. A success candidate who leaves important steps in their life because they consider them as unimportant stands to regret later when they realize that they will never go beyond crawling. Many people are struggling with life because of jumping into the fast track frenzy before they were ready for it. The fast track only demolished the fiber that helped them to influence humanity.


What happens when you short-cut some natural processes like learning important issues? You may scrape by and perhaps even obtain good grades and accolades. If you fail to pay the price daily, you will never achieve true success or develop a sound mind.


Reflect on how preposterous it would be to attempt to cram on a farm or to forget to plant in the spring, play all summer and then fill up at the end of summer to bring in the harvest? The farm is a natural system. The price must be paid and the process followed. You always reap what you sow; there is no alternative route that is shorter than the one usually taken.


It is simply impossible to disobey, ignore, or shortcut developmental processes. It is contrary to nature as nature goes at its own pace; and attempting to seek shortcuts only results in disappointment and frustration.


Your success is definite if you track the lessons as they come along at each stage of your development. You ought to become conscious however that some of the stages may be difficult to cruise through. Success demands men and women of great buoyancy and persistence who ready themselves continuously to attain the preferred levels.

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