Noah Mangwarara

Positively Impacting Humanity

effective for life lessons from the bees author noah mangwarara book cover

Effective for life: Life Principles from the beehive

Effective for life

Despite their small size, bees operate in unique ways that make one wonder how such a tiny insect is able to accomplish so much. There are numerous lessons of greatness and impact to be learned from the bees’ mode of operation. No matter the size of the colony, wherever bees are found, they produce honey which is just as sweet. One overriding factor that drives bees is their quest for effectiveness. Effectiveness, to the bees, is their ability to produce desired results and create value for others in the process. Bees pollinate around 60% of all food consumed by humans. Without bees, it is hard to imagine what state the world would be in. Real effectiveness lies in sharing and contributing something of value to the well-being of others. A life of effectiveness is one that is complete, focused on achieving worthwhile goals, and brings high levels of satisfaction. It is a life that offers all that can be given without reservations. The standard of operation is not what others have done, but rather measuring oneself against the maker’s standard. A person’s level of originality points to the fact that the results generated ought to differ from others. Trying to be like another does not add value to civilization’s progress. The bees collecting pollen from flowers or navigating around in search of an ideal food source challenges humankind to do likewise and possibly begin to produce according to the expectation of other world citizens and the maker. The source of such value addition is derived from specialized knowledge and execution like that exhibited by the bees. In the modern world, information is the commodity of kings. Success in life is not a product of being exceptionally good in one area while all others are in dilapidation. True progress ought to be holistic. It is a disappointing sight when individuals have careers that others should emulate, but their family, spiritual, and social lives are in disarray. Others have been regarded as successful by the world’s standard, but a closer look reveals their character’s deficiencies where it matters most. A person’s satisfaction that lasts the test of time is a function of doing the right things through and through. Business success comes from doing all that adds value to the business. Spiritual advancement also warrants doing those things that add constant value. The principles that bees live by are effective in any serious world citizen’s life. One can become ideal for effectiveness when the correct principles are utilized. Leaders worldwide have something to learn from bees, and managers in different organizational settings cannot sit back and fail to execute based on what bees teach us. In the home and spiritual realm, the bees’ mode of doing things can only be learned and used to our advantage. It is only a wise man who acquires knowledge and applies it to their life. The challenge before us all is to substantiate our knowledge with action.

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