Noah Mangwarara

Positively Impacting Humanity

Patterns Of Wisdom

Pattern of Wisdom

Patterns of Wisdom

The earth is full of petite, virtually unnoticed creatures, which, if looked at closely, reveal the deeper secrets of wisdom that can be gotten by mankind. The ancient wise man Augur points out in Proverbs four inconspicuous species possessing attractive traits and using wisdom; the ant, the rock badger, the locust, and the spider, make a positive impact in the world. In the only chapter written by this somehow unknown character in the bible, real words of wisdom have been penned for the benefit of the present day world inhabitant. A person could be unknown like Augur but that is no justification for failing to do something that stands the test of time in value. Augur lived in the same era as king Solomon and he had his name alongside the wisent of all, pointing to the fact that there is nothing that can stop anyone with determination from reaching the highest echelons of their potential.


Many people exist, who, with seemingly unknown backgrounds but they stand to defy the odds and make a positive contribution in their spaces, to the marvel of the world. Never concentrate so much on what could have been. Instead, focus on what can be. There is nothing you can do to change your ancestry but you can do everything to change your descendants. The power lies within you. Real difference makers are worried about creating a trail of positivity wherever they go.


Ants aren’t strong by whatever standard one uses, but in reality they are able to carry things up to 30 times their body weight; this can be likened to a man weighing 80kilograms lifting a mass of more than three tonnes. Such an amazing capacity is truly worth world emulation and attention. The ant’s wisdom allows them to prepare their food during the summer so that they can survive the winter. Such vision is worth bringing any serious world citizen to attention.


Rock badgers are feeble rodents, relatively unknown to most people, resembling a fat rat without tails. Yet, they make their homes deep within the rocks, where their predators are unable to reach them. Theirs is wisdom that helps secure and safeguard their lives from predators. Moreover, the rock badgers are masters in risk taking which must be taken aboard.


Locusts do not have a ruler, or as with bees, a queen; yet, when they enter a field, they wreak havoc on it like a disciplined army. Nothing much is accomplished by a single locust on its own but as a team, they work together to destroy all vegetation within sight; the farmers cannot appreciate their ravenous greed, but he still wonders how the cloud of locusts choose the time and location that they attack. A strong fire set forth to stop the progress of an approaching army of locusts is no match as it is quickly extinguished by the force of the advancing mass, with only a few locusts dying in the process but the rest progressing as though nothing has happened.


Finally, the spider seizes its prey with its hands, and creates intricate webbing to trap its meal. Through commitment to excellence, dedication and strict discipline, the spider achieves outstandingly compared to its size. The wisdom of the spider is that she chooses prime property in which to reside; even the king’s palace is not immune from their webbing.


Are you as wise as the ant, the rock badger, the locust, or the spider? A closer look at the extent to which we execute duty shows a lower standard of engagement as compared to these little creatures. Each of these creatures has wisdom in a few areas, their strength, their ability to sustain themselves with delicacies, their realization of the power that lies in numbers, their choice of residence that protects them, and with the spider, their passive but definite way to catch their supper.


How great is your wisdom? Are you wise enough to lift up your eyes to the hills from whence comes your strength? Does your help come from the Lord? (Psalm 121:1-2) Are you as wise as the badger, which makes her home in the rocks; therein to praise the Lord? Are you well versed in the scripture; knowing that God’s word is perfect; making wise the simple (Psalm 19:7)? Have you learned to number your days; and in so doing applied your heart to the wisdom of the Lord (Psalm 90:12)? Have you gone to the ant and considered its ways and perchance attain a little bit of wisdom to take you through life? (Proverbs 6: 6)

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